Free Printable Snake Mask Template

A Friendly printable Snake Mask is waiting for your kids to have fun with!

Free Printable Snake Mask Template

Are you afraid of snakes? I was for a long time but it all changed in one evening when I was dared to hold the king snake. I did and I fell in love (not so much to have one as pet at home but still). In that instant all of my fears and stereotypes I had about these animals went away (I always though they would be slimy).

I still freak out if they get to close to me in nature though.

Free Printable Snake Mask Template
But let’s get to something less scary. A printable mask for instance. This little fellow has a smile on his (or her) face so you know he’s a lovable fellah (or gal) . I don’t know why but I think his name is Freddy. He looks like Freddy. This one isn’t poisonous so the kids can play with it as much as they like to.

Get The Printable Snake Mask Here

Printable Snake Mask

Printable Snake Mask to Color