Robots Comparing Number Worksheets

Kids have an incredible imagination and that is why this Robots Comparing Number Worksheets to 10 is a great tool to use in kindergarten and first grade.

Robots Comparing Number Worksheets to 10. More less or equal worksheets.

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Encourage your kids to learn math with robots!

Math Worksheets – compering numbers to 10

Let’s go over the worksheet with each page.

Compare the Numbers and Write the Correct Symbol <, > or =

The first page has eight exercises that could be cut out into flashcards in classrooms.

Each exercise has two robots with numbers on them. They will have to use symbols such as >,< or = (Greater, Less, or Equal than) to complete the correct math equation.

Draw the Right Amount of Robots

The second and third page will allow the kids to express a bit of their artistic imagination by drawing the amount of robots needed to complete the mathematical equation.

One side of the worksheet has a number of robots with a symbol >,<, or =.

The kids will have fun drawing the number of robots required.

The robots could also be colored with crayons to enhance the imagination of the kids.

Write the Correct Symbol <, > or =

The fourth page has robots separated by a small box between them.

They will have to use the correct symbol to identify if one side is greater, less, or equal to the other side.

They will love to relate robots to numbers with this exercise!

Write the Correct Number

The last page just has just number with symbols. They could use their experience from the prior experiments to imagine and figure out the correct number or numbers that will apply in each equation.

Math worksheets are truly fun and could be used interactively with kids to cut out and laminate flashcards to improve counting to 10.

Encourage your kids to use Robots Comparing Numbers Worksheets.

Robots Comparing Numbers to 10 Worksheets

Grab These Robots Comparing Numbers to 10 Worksheets

Get your Robots Comparing Numbers to 10 Worksheets here.